
So this is JetBrains, and what have you done?

With over 22 product teams which are each responsible for their own products, we have a lot of creativity coming through to try to make all of our products as helpful as we can for you. Our MPS team has surprised us all this year with their epic shout-out to their community. Check out the MPS Twitter account to see what we are talking about.

It seems that now is a good time too to say our own massive thank you to the community.

We would like to wish every one of our users and the community of developers that we are a part of, a Huge Happy Holidays! We hope that you have a great year ahead to look forward to.

Stay tuned for our yearly State of Developer Ecosystem survey, Annual report, and more great content all coming your way in 2019.

Season's greetings from JetBrains

The Drive to Develop

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