Early Access Program News

New CLion 1.1 EAP: project scopes, CMake targets and other changes

The new Early Access build for CLion 1.1 (141.2309) is now available for trying. You can download it and install side-by-side with CLion 1.0. An update from the previous EAP build is also available (not for Windows this time, sorry for that).

The most important changes addressed by this build are project scopes. When you open a project in CLion now, you can notice a couple of changes in project view:

  • All files under your project root are considered by the IDE as project files.
  • Files located under include_directories are the only exception, considered to be library files highlighted with yellow now. They are not considered as files with your project code, so refactorings and other smart features are not applicable there.
    However marking the directory with -iquote makes CLion consider these files as project files. Unfortunately, it’s not supported by CMake for now, and can be propagated through the compiler flags only.

From the practical point it means that Go To Symbol/Class/File navigation actions search symbol/class/file names through the project files by default:
and if you need to include files from libraries (i.e. include_directories paths) into this search, include non-project symbols as well:

In Find in Path dialog you can select a custom scope and switch between Project files, Project and Libraries, etc. and to search through the selected scope.

Other changes include:

  • After massive parser overhaul introduced in the first 1.1 EAP build, we’ve continued our work in that direction, fixing many resolve issues. That leeds to more accurate completion, navigation and refactorings (CPP-3983, CPP-3982, CPP-3981).
  • This build improves the way in which CLion updates CMake targets while creating a new class or file. You can now add files not only to the direct calls of add_executable and others commands like this, but to the appropriate CMake variables as well:
  • A plugin for YAML, famous data serialization standard, was bundled and is on by default in CLion.

Find a full list of fixes in our tracker. Download the EAP build now and give it a try!

Sincerely yours,
The CLion Team

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