Early Access Program

PhpStorm 7 EAP 130.1639

PhpStorm 7 EAP build 130.1639 is available for download.

From the PHP side, this build delivers:

  • Separate customisable template for PHP interfaces (WI-18672)
  • New Inspection: ‘PHP Fatal error: “static::” is not allowed in compile-time constants’
  • Significant improvements in performance and stability
  • and more bug fixes and improvements

Also the build brings various new features and fixes from both web and IntelliJ IDEA platform side including EJS support (available with a free plugin), Stylus support, new smart code completion for join conditions in SQL statements (demo available), and more.

Download PhpStorm 7 EAP build 130.1639 for your platform from project EAP page and please report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Patch-update for the previous EAP build will be available in an hour.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains PhpStorm Team

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