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Want some coffee? Get the CoffeeScript plugin for PyCharm!

If you like the mixture of JavaScript and coffee and have jumped on the boat of CoffeeScript adopters, then this piece of news is for you.

We’ve just published a new plugin to repository that adds CoffeeScript support to PyCharm.
The plugin was originally started by Michael Kessler under name ‘CoffeeBrew’ and is now taken over by JetBrains team. It is to become a part of standard distribution for all IntelliJ-based IDEs since their nearest major releases.

At the moment CoffeeScript support includes syntax highlighting and error checking for coffee files.

But we are working on an improved support with code completion, code formatting, navigation, usage search and refactorings, which will be available in PyCharm 2.0.

Note: After you install the plugin make sure the *.coffee extension is assigned to ‘CoffeeScript Files’ file type only (under IDE Settings | File Types).

Did you hear that PyCharm is 50% off during this September? Do not miss it!

Develop with pleasure!
The PyCharm Team

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