
Android Resource Management Features

Maia provides a number of smart features to make working with Android resources simpler.

  • Convenient navigation from XML resource descriptors to appropriate Java fields in an R.java class…

    … and from Java code to resource files.

  • Usage search for resources. That is, when you are searching for usages of res/drawable/android.png resource file you will find both XML (@drawable/android) and Java references (R.drawable.android). By the way, searching for usages of R.drawable.android Java field yields the same results.

    Note that you can find usages of value resources (represented by XML tags) by pressing Shift+F6 when caret is positioned just before a tag:

  • Rename refactoring. When you rename a resource file (i.e. res/drawable/android.png), all XML and Java references are updated automatically. Renaming of R.drawable.android Java field, as you may have guessed, has the same effect. Note that now renaming of a resource represented by an XML descriptor is possible only through renaming an appropriate Java field.
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