IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
New Courseware for IntelliJ IDEA
One of the challenges we face with IntelliJ IDEA is showing new users how to quickly become productive. IntelliJ IDEA is a code editor, but it is also a database client, a static analyzer, a version control tool, and for each of these use cases, there are hundreds of individual features. Many of these features are little-known and seldom used, despite being quite useful features. One day, someone may think, “This feature would be nice to have,” and several versions later, there is a new feature. But where is this feature, and how do I use it?
As much as we enjoy writing new features at JetBrains, we want you to be productive at the same time. If you like manuals, there is plenty of supporting documentation for IntelliJ IDEA. Not a big fan of manuals? There are Tips of the Day and a Productivity Guide to help you discover some of those features. But if you prefer to learn by example, we’ve compiled a series of video tutorials which illustrate a number of common tasks and key concepts in IntelliJ IDEA, that may help you become more productive in your daily development.
“How does this help me?” you may ask. This course is not a catch-all for everyone, nor does it cover every topic. You may pick and choose lessons à la carte, or you may watch them from start to finish, the choice is yours to make. Individual lessons cover broad topics like Navigation, Code Completion and Refactoring, which are further divided into short screencasts illustrating common tasks. Don’t see your favorite feature? Let us know! Here are a few categories that you may fit into:
“I have just installed IntelliJ IDEA, how do I get started?”
Great! You can start from the beginning. These lessons are organized from the ground, up.
“I am already familiar with IntelliJ IDEA, but I would like to learn more about ____.”
In the playlist, you may find short tutorials on refactoring, tools, and other useful features.
“I am an expert on IntelliJ IDEA, but sometimes I have a specific question.”
First, seek enlightenment from the documentation. Perhaps you will find it. Then practice your search-fu. Perhaps another has found the answer which you seek. But perhaps, you may not be asking the right question. So explore the courseware, and you may find a better one. Then ask us! We do not have all the answers, but we hope to be able to guide you to the right direction.
Develop with pleasure!