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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


Kotlin Digest 2015

Kotlin’s adoption significantly increased in 2015, and we are especially grateful to our early adopters, who not only used Kotlin, but shared their experiences through different mediums. We’d like to highlight the most notable articles and videos of the past year.

By the way, you can join us on slack and subscribe to the #feed channel, where we push quite a bit of interesting content as it appears.

Kotlin Digest 2015

N.B: Some of the following articles use outdated versions of Kotlin in the examples and should be interpreted in the context of the time at which they were written

Top 6 General Publications

Top 5 Android Publication

Top 5 Technical Publications

Top 5 Events Recordings

In 2015 there were more than 50 talks and meetups about kotlin. We try to keep track of all events (with all available slides and recordings) on Kotlin event page. Also it’s a calendar of upcoming events. Take a look!

  • Advancing Android Development with the Kotlin Language by Jake Wharton

  • Functional Programming with Kotlin by Mike Hearn

  • I built an app in Kotlin, and my client still paid me by Matt Wear

  • Android developer Damian Petla shares his experience on using Kotlin for their Android projects.

Thanks for watching and let’s kotlin

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