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The Python IDE for data science and web development


Announcing General Availability of PyCharm 4

We’re happy to announce the general availability of PyCharm 4, the new major release of our intelligent IDE for Python, Django, and Web development that brings more of everything you love about Python!


As before, PyCharm 4 is available as a full-fledged Professional Edition for Python and Web development or a free and open-source Community Edition for pure Python development.

Download PyCharm 4 for your platform today!

With v4 we’ve added more new features, more enhancements in existing functionality, more ways to enjoy coding… in short, more value.

ipythonnotebook_whatsnew@2xThis release is more scientifically focused with the introduction of IPython Notebook integration and the NumPy array viewer along with NumPy code insight and support for matplotlib in the integrated python console.


bdd_whatsnew@2xNow PyCharm 4 boosts your productivity even further, thanks to special assistance for BDD (Behavior-Driven Development). Take full control over your textual requirements and graphical representation of test results, and enjoy extensive and intelligent assistance at each step of the overall BDD process. behave and lettuce, two of the most popular Python tools for BDD, are supported.

debugger_whatsnew@2xThe PyCharm debugger has grown more powerful as well. We’ve merged our debugger code with that from the original PyDev repository, which means a lot of improvements in the united debugger. We’ve also added a brand-new attach to process feature, so you can now connect a debugger with any running Python process and debug in the attached mode. When debugging your project you can now open the referring objects view for any object during runtime. And if that’s not enough, the PyCharm debugger now works with Jinja2 templates.

More goodies in this release include:

  • Improved Python/Django console tool window
  • Now you can leave the console open after a project run or a debug session
  • View of call hierarchy trees for method calls in different scopes
  • Better package management
  • Unittest subtests support
  • New project creation wizard
  • A host of improvements inherited from WebStorm 9 and the ever-growing IntelliJ Platform
  • And even more

Please see the what’s new page for more details or, for a quick visual overview, watch this short What’s New in PyCharm 4 video:

Please download PyCharm 4 for your platform here!

possibleAnd in case you missed it, PyCharm has recently become much more education-friendly! Recently we launched PyCharm Educational Edition, a free & open source edition of PyCharm IDE for students that learn programming and their teachers. Get your free PyCharm Educational Edition today.

PyCharm 4 Professional Edition is a free update for everyone who purchased their license after November 19, 2013. As usual, a 30-day trial is available if you want to try PyCharm as your new Python/Django IDE.

Develop with pleasure!
The JetBrains PyCharm Team

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