WebStorm 7.0.2 is available: Mocha integration and improved Dart support
Today you can update WebStorm to its latest version 7.0.2. There are three good reasons for that.
First, we significantly improved support for Dart language and added new features that are available in the recent Google Dart SDK update.
- Start debugging Dart code in Dartium is much easier now: WebStorm detects Dart projects and start Debug session in Dartium by default.
- Upgrade dependencies and pub build commands are now available right in the context menu for pubspec.yaml file.
Update: read Getting started with Dart tutorial.
Second, we added Mocha test framework integration. Install Mocha with npm, create new Mocha Run/Debug Configuration, specify the test directory and run your tests in one click. Watch a screencast by John Lindquist on using Mocha in your project.
And finally, we made dozens of fixes and minor improvements. For example, now you can enjoy code completion for Flexbox CSS properties.
You can install update from the IDE or download the installation file from the product web site. Have a look at the release notes.
Develop with pleasure!
WebStorm Team