Features News

RubyMine EAP 95.361 is here

Hello guys,

We are happy to announce the next EAP version of RubyMine. In this build we tried to process the feedback we’ve received during RailsWayCon in Berlin and RailsConf.

This build features the following changes:

  • Move statement refactoring
  • Rails 3 support improvements
  • Improved Ruby 1.9 support
  • Lots of annoying bugs fixed

With new refactorings Move Statement Up and Move Statement Down you can easily rearrange your code.
Here are some screenshots:

You don’t even need to select the whole method, cut and paste, you can move it with one click!

Also we have to mention great blog post by Pivotal guys on Pivotal tracker support within RubyMine: http://pivotallabs.com/users/dan/blog/articles/1270-pivotal-tracker-integration-in-rubymine-2-5-eap-

Download new EAP build here: http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/RUBYDEV/RubyMine+EAP

Stay tuned!

P.S. Slides from RailsWayCon speech are available here: http://www.slideshare.net/olegshpynov/productive-rails-development-with-rubymine

-JetBrains RubyMine Team

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