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Comparing File Versions in the Differences Viewer

If you want to investigate the problems of a particular build and find out, for example, the changes which caused the build failure, you can use TeamCity’s Difference Viewer. It allows to review the differences between two versions of a modified file and navigate between these differences.

You can access the Difference Viewer from almost any place in TeamCity’s UI where the changes lists appear, may it be Projects page, Build Configuration Home page, or Build Results > Changes tab and so on. After you click the modified file name, a new window opens:

Difference Viewer

In the window heading you can see the file modifications summary:

  • file name alone with its status,
  • changes author,
  • comment for the changes list.

To move between changes, use the next and previous change buttons and red and green bars on the versions separator.

If you want to switch to the IDE and digg into the issue deeper, click the Open in the IDE button in the upper-right corner of the window. The file in question opens, and you will navigate to the exact change in your project file. Please note that you need to have a TeamCity IDE plugin installed for this.

Technorati tags: TeamCity, JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, difference viewer, continuous integration, build management, agile development, MS Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual Studio 2008

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