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Webinar Recording: “10 Git Things You Wish You Knew… in PyCharm” With Michael Kennedy

Last Tuesday, June 7, 2022, Michael Kennedy joined us for a webinar about Git to explain his pragmatic GUI-based approach in detail. Here’s the recording for you to watch if you missed the live stream.


Many of us work with Git, never get past the basics, but still have that nagging feeling: “I really need to learn more.” However, the command line and Git concepts are too big of a hurdle.

Michael Kennedy tackles just that in his new Talk Python Training course titled “Up and Running with Git: A Pragmatic, GUI-based approach.” This webinar zeroes in on how PyCharm can make those essential Git workflows possible.

Come join us for this task-specific webinar, and in fact, send in questions you’d like demonstrated.

Speaking to You

Michael Kennedy is the host of Talk Python to Me and co-host of Python Bytes podcasts. He is also the founder of Talk Python Training and a Python Software Foundation fellow. Michael has a PyCharm course and is co-author of the book Effective PyCharm. Michael has been working in the developer field for more than 20 years and has spoken at numerous conferences.

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