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Early Access Program Releases

The PyCharm 3.4 Early Access Program has begun


The JetBrains PyCharm team is pleased to announce the start of the Early Access Program (EAP) for PyCharm 3.4 and is ready to introduce the brand-new build 135.763 for your evaluation. It’s already here, available for download from the Early Access Preview page. As any new PyCharm 3.x release (starting from PyCharm 3.0), the PyCharm 3.4 EAP build is available in two editions – free/open source PyCharm Community Edition and full-fledged PyCharm Professional Edition. While both of them are available for download and use at no charge, PyCharm Professional Edition has a 30-day evaluation period, which means PyCharm 3.4 Professional Edition EAP build 135.763 comes with a 30-day time-limited license as well.

The PyCharm 3.4 EAP build is not in the final product release stage and might contain severe bugs, so it’s supposed to be installed along with your current PyCharm installation for evaluation and checking out new features. No patch update for this EAP build will be available from within the IDE.

We’d like to encourage you to try this brand-new preview build and give us your valuable feedback in our public issue tracker. This will help us make the final release of PyCharm 3.4 more stable and less buggy.

PyCharm 3.4 EAP build 135.763 includes a lot of new features, bug fixes, and improvements in different subsystems. It also delivers a lot of unique PyCharm-specific features. Meanwhile, PyCharm users also have access to a number of recently announced features and benefits from other JetBrains products like WebStorm 8 and IntelliJ IDEA 13.1. For example, advanced built-in AngularJS support and Sublime Text style multiple selection:


So here are the PyCharm-specific features:

  •  New Python interpreters management process with new UI:


Now you can choose existing, add a new local or remote python interpreter and even create virtualenv right on the project creation stage without any need to sneak into the PyCharm settings.

  • New live templates for Python which are now suggested in code completion:



  • Improved Vagrant support: Now PyCharm offers to start vagrant instance when remote interpreter is currently not available. It also better handles unique remote interpreters on diverse vagrant boxes
  • Additional automatic quick fixes for various code inspections
  • Improved navigation: Now ‘Navigate | Class‘ or ‘Navigate | Symbol’ allows navigating to Python modules (*.py files) and packages (‘’ files)
  • Pull members up/down refactorings improved
  • Template roots now can be marked right from the project structure view
  • A lot of performance improvements in Python code analysis

PyCharm 3.4 EAP also incorporates all new WebStorm 8 features (read more on the What’s new in WebStorm 8 page), so from the WebStorm side we are ready to deliver:

  •  Advanced built-in AngularJS support


  • Spy-js JavaScript tracing tool integration
  • New Live console in JavaScript and Node.js debugger that allows you to enter commands and code
  • Grunt integration
  • Bower integration: search through Bower registry, manage components in the IDE
  • RequireJS aliases support
  • CucumberJS support
  • Full support for Sass 3.3 and Less 1.6
  • Improvements in support for TypeScript 1.0 and more

And finally, the IntelliJ platform brings us many features including:

  • Live templates are now suggested in code completion
  • Version control improvements
  • Multiple Selection (one of the most requested features in PyCharm)

With Multiple Selection, we can now put a cursor in multiple locations in a file and write code simultaneously in these positions. Press and hold “Alt” on the keyboard and use the mouse to select the locations of the cursors:


Download PyCharm 3.4 EAP build 135.763 for your platform from the project EAP page and please report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Remember to install the .zip & .tar.gz versions into a completely empty folder. Do not just unpack over your previous version!

Develop with pleasure!
-PyCharm team

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