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Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm Edu 2017.3 Release Candidate

PyCharm Edu is getting ready for the next major release with Release Candidate build 173.4048.

Get PyCharm Edu 2017.3 RC

You are probably wondering why we’re switching to 2017.3 version from the previous version 4.0. By aligning the PyCharm Edu versioning and release timetables with PyCharm and other JetBrains products, we want to focus more on delivering continuous value. This is the third release this year, so it is natural to use the 2017.3 version for it.

PyCharm Edu 2017.3 new features

Learners will find:

  • An enhanced Stepik integration with progress synchronization and public courses import included. Now you can start any Python course on Stepik, and then switch to PyCharm Edu, import the course without losing any of your progress.
  • Filtering the list of courses with tags, for better navigation and focus on the courses you’re interested in.
  • Compare with Answer action, which should help balance out the challenge of the more difficult tasks and avoid too much frustration.

Educators will find:

  • Much clearer UI for course creation and preview.
  • New interpreter settings screen, which makes interpreter and virtualenvs configuration much easier.
  • PyPI and Conda modes for those, who want to install PyPI packages into Conda envs.

Learn more about the new features and download PyCharm Edu 2017.3 RC from our website.

If you are using a recent version of Ubuntu (16.04 and later) you can also install PyCharm Edu using snap:

sudo snap install pycharm-educational --classic --edge

We are looking forward to getting your feedback in our issue tracker or in the comments.

Your PyCharm Edu Team

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