Early Access Program News

New CLion 1.1 EAP: new formatting settings on board

Hi everyone,

Time flies and we are pleased to announce the new CLion 1.1 EAP, build 141.2346. Download it from our confluence page or update from the previous EAP build via CLion-EAP | Check for Updates.

Code Style

This time we continued with the formatter improvements and added a new setting for namespaces in this build: Keep nested namespaces in one line (Code Style | C/C++ | Wrapping and Braces | Keep when reformatting).
Also you can find a completely new group in Code Style settings called CMake:
Configure the preferred code style for your CMake files there, and CLion gives you an immediate preview, highlighting the line affected by the most recent change. These settings are applied as you type, but you can also apply them explicitly with the Reformat Code action.

Other changes

In order to keep CMake version in CLion up to date, CMake 3.3 is bundled on all platforms.

And for more convenient CMake files editing this build introduces automatic matching braces ‘(‘ insert feature.

In addition to changes in project scopes highlighting introduced in the previous EAP build, this build automatically excludes your build directory from project scope, if it’s configured in settings in Build, Execution, Deployment | CMake | Build output path and located under your project directory. Excluded directories are shown in brown and are not available in navigation actions like Go To File. Changes are applied after CMake reload. Note that build directory is not excluded when contains headers search paths or project files.

Full list of changes can be found in our tracker.

Sincerely yours,
The CLion Team

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