Early Access Program

CLion 2016.2.1 EAP, build 162.1628.2

Another EAP build for CLion 2016.2.1 (162.1628.2), a bug-fix update to the recently released major CLion update, is now available for download. You can install it side by side with the stable version of CLion. Patch-update is available in case you are using the previous EAP build (162.1531.1).

This build brings several important formatter fixes:

  • Special if-else treatment formatting option can be useful:
    however it was accidentally breaking the if-if construct. Now it works correctly.
  • Formatter preview is quite handy when you can’t guess what the option is actually responsible for, so you just try and see. This build includes a fix for a preview not updated for else spaces settings.
  • else on new line and while on new line settings are now taken into account when reformatting even if Keep when reformatting | Line breaks setting is switched on.

Thanks to our users, we’ve managed to localize a problem with Doxygen comments generation. Sometimes on big projects and large files when you typed Enter after /// and //! prefix, generation of documentation comment didn’t occur. The problem is fixed now.

Full release notes are available by the link as usual.

Please, note that this EAP build requires an active subscription (or you can start a 30-day evaluation period).

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