News Releases

CLion 2020.3.2 Bug-fix Update

CLion 2020.3.2 bug-fix update is now available!

Build 203.7148.70 is available for download from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap (for Ubuntu). A patch update will be available shortly.


Notes for Mac users

If you are using Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 chip), you might have noticed that we’ve started shipping separate builds for you to get CLion that runs natively on M1, not via Rosetta2. Because of some technical issues, it is not possible to use a patch to update from 2020.3.1 to this new 2020.3.2, so you have to download the full build from our site. The update dialog will still suggest that you use a patch-update, but if you apply it, it will not work correctly for Apple Silicon. We will improve this behavior starting from the next version. We are very sorry for the inconvenience!

Main highlights

Here are the most notable fixes:

  • Makefile projects loading has been improved for directory changes (CPP-23429) and shell command substitutions (CPP-20126).
  • The performance of clangd-based inspections is improved when the WSL2 toolchain is used.
  • To enrich CLion’s Run/Debug with root privileges functionality, v2020.3.2 enables running embedded and remote GDB servers as root.
  • We’ve added the ability to cancel long ClangFormat execution (CPP-22954).
  • A few new MISRA checks were added.
  • It is now possible to open projects in tabs on macOS Big Sur (JBR-2893).
  • Fixed the shortcut issues for those who use Mac with an M1 chip (JBR-2981, JBR-2999).
  • Fixed the IDE’s behavior when you double-click on a file in Local Changes. This action now opens the file in the editor (IDEA-235910).
  • Fixed the incorrect focus when dragging a file over an IDE window in Windows 10 (IDEA-244511).

You can find the full release notes here. If you haven’t yet updated to v2020.3, now is a great time to do so! You are also welcome to read about our plans for 2021 and our 2021 roadmap.

Your CLion team
The Drive to Develop

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