News Releases

CLion Bug-Fix Update 2021.3.3 With Fixes for Unit Testing and VCS

The CLion 2021.3.3 bug-fix update, build 213.6777.58, is now available! You can get it from our website, in the Toolbox App, or as a snap (for Ubuntu). You can also update via patch from the IDE itself.


Here are the highlights:

  • C++ unit testing:
    • Run configuration and run gutter icons were fixed and now work correctly for Doctest v2.4.7 and later.
  • VCS:
    • The Git Branches popup displays its data correctly again (IDEA-286795, IDEA-285766).
    • Fixed the issue that was disabling the Rebase button in the Rebase dialog (IDEA-282538).
  • Fixed issues with YAML files (IDEA-247565, IDEA-264436).
  • Editor:
    • On macOS, ⌘N opens the Generate popup as expected when File | New is invoked (IDEA-286810).
    • Fixed a cosmetic UI issue in the Find In Files dialog (IDEA-284849).
  • The IDE has stopped suggesting unwanted plugin installations (IDEA-283690).

The full release notes are available here.

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