News Releases

DataGrip 2022.2: The option to import multiple CSV files, New Modify UI, Playground and Script resolve modes, and more!


We’ve just released the second major update of 2022. Here’s a list of all the improvements introduced in 2022.2. For detailed descriptions of all new features and enhancements, please visit our What’s new page.

The option to import multiple CSV files

You can now select several CSV files and import them at once!

Playground and Script resolve modes

We’ve introduced two resolve modes, Playground and Script, to ensure greater precision when resolving database objects in SQL scripts.

Code generation

  • New Modify UI.
  • [SQL Server] Support for collations and charsets.

Categories in the keymap

We re-arranged the structure of categories in the keymap.

Scopes in DDL data sources

You can now set file scopes as sources for DDL data sources.


  • ​​Merge All Project Windows action on macOS.
  • [Oracle, Vertica] Password expiration warning.
  • DuckDB, Mimer SQL, and Apache Ignite basic support.

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