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Collaborative data science platform for teams


Meet Datalore and PyCharm at ODSC West 2023

The Datalore and PyCharm teams will be attending ODSC West 2023 in San Francisco for the first time! Join us at the AI Expo Hall on October 31 – November 1, 2023, to discuss your data science challenges and the latest trends in the field.


Here’s what’s on the agenda from JetBrains:

  • November 1, 10:30 AM: Book raffle and signing session with Matt Harrison, the author of “Effective Pandas” and “Effective XGBoost”.
  • November 1, 4:30 PM: Join Dr. Jodie Burchell, our Developer Advocate in Data Science, as she discusses “The IQ of AI: Measuring Intelligence in AI Models.” In this talk, Jodie will cut through the hype and delve deeply into claims of artificial general intelligence in large language models (LLMs).
  • November 1, 2:45 PM: Explore the significance of reproducibility in data science projects during the session “Building Reproducibility Into Your Data Science Projects With Datalore”, also conducted by Jodie.

Swing by booth #7 to participate in fun data quizzes, spin the magic wheel for a chance to win swag and product vouchers, and enjoy personalized data science product demos.

Don’t miss the opportunity to book a dedicated slot with our Solutions Architect Vladimir Grevtsev to discuss your data science challenges and solutions. Schedule a meeting by connecting with Vladimir on LinkedIn.

If you’ll be at ODSC West 2023, we can’t wait to see you there!

The Datalore and PyCharm teams

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