DataSpell 2023.2 EAP 2 Is Out!
In the second EAP build for DataSpell 2023.2 we improved Jupyter Notebooks synchronization with external applications.
To catch up on all of the new features DataSpell 2023.2 will bring, check out our previous EAP blog posts.
The Toolbox App is the easiest way to get the EAP builds and keep both your stable and EAP versions up to date. You can also manually download the EAP builds from our website.

Improved Jupyter Notebooks Synchronization with External Applications
In this release, we have made significant improvements to the synchronization of Jupyter notebook changes between DataSpell and external applications such as Git or the browser version of Jupyter. You can now effortlessly switch between DataSpell and external applications, and any changes made in either will be perfectly synchronized.

We encourage you to share your feedback on the new features on Twitter or in our issue tracker, where you can also report any bugs you find in the EAP versions.
We’re excited to hear what you think!