News Project-Based Learning

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in September

It’s already October, and we are excited to share all the new topics and projects that were released in September. In total, we created 5 new projects, including our new Go project, and added more than 50 new topics. Thanks to your feedback, we were able to release 2 projects from Beta: Flashcards (Python) and Connect Four (Kotlin).

What’s new in Java

Swing project: Graph-Algorithms Visualizer (Alpha)
Topics: Modules, Introduction to logging in Java, Switch expression, Async methods (Spring Boot)

What’s new in Python

Projects: Honest Calculator (Beta), Create Glowing Bacteria (Beta)

What’s new in Kotlin


What’s new in Android

Topics: Activity, Android Studio Tool Windows

What’s new in Frontend

Project: Hyperskill Cafe (Alpha)
Topics: Execution context, Introduction to JSX

What’s new in Go

Project: Simple Chatty Bot (Beta)
Topics: Pointers, Slices, Working with slices, Modules, Packages, Strings

What’s new in Data Science

Topics: Ensemble methods, Searching within a pandas DataFrame, Multiple linear regression, Logistic regression, Logistic regression in sklearn, Regularized regression, Regularized regression in sklearn

What’s new in Math

Topics: Vectors, matrices, and tensors, Finding probabilities

What’s new in Fundamentals


Keep in mind that the alpha and beta projects are in the early stages of testing. We appreciate your feedback on such projects – it helps us improve and publicly release them sooner. In order to see beta projects at the platform, you need to have the beta testing feature enabled in your profile settings. Alpha projects are currently available only via a direct link.

Should you have any questions or would like to share feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your post on Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit.

Keep learning,
Your JetBrains Academy team

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