JetBrains Academy Plugin Plugins Releases

EduTools Plugin 2022.7 Is Available

Version 2022.7 of EduTools is out! With this release, we’ve added helpful guides for configuring your working environment when you need them the most, and we’ve improved plugin quality by fixing bugs.

If you are learning Java, we’ve got some extra good news! Two Java courses were recently released on JetBrains Marketplace – Java for Beginners and APCS Keate. They are available via IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate with the bundled EduTools plugin or IntelliJ IDEA Edu. Make sure to check them out!


🆕 Helpful guides for configuring your working environment

To ensure that technical difficulties don’t interfere with your learning or course creation process, we added links to our helpful guides where you need them the most – the Course Selection dialog, the Create Course dialog, and the Check panel. 

To configure the environment based on your language, see our Troubleshooting Guide. The link to the C++ guide is not yet available in the product, but you can follow the instructions in the Quick Start Guide.

Notable improvements and bug fixes

EDU-5134: The Check action now works as expected for JetBrains Academy and Stepik Python courses in PyCharm.
EDU-3945: Enabled the Marketplace login widget for educational courses in Course Creator mode.
EDU-5032: Fixed the issue preventing the next task from opening when Peek Solution is enabled.
EDU-5107: Fixed the issue preventing Unpack course archive from working.

For the full list of issues addressed in EduTools 2022.7, see our issue tracker.

You can install the EduTools plugin or update it to the latest version right from Settings (Preferences for macOS) | Plugins in IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, Android Studio, CLion, PhpStorm, or GoLand.

IntelliJ IDEA Edu and PyCharm Edu 2022.1.3

We’ve released the 2022.1.3 versions of PyCharm Edu and IntelliJ IDEA Edu, which include the latest updates for PyСharm Community, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, and EduTools 2022.7. You can download the new builds from our website, via the Toolbox App, or by using a snap package for Ubuntu.

Please share your feedback here in the comments, on Twitter, or through our issue tracker. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!

Your Educational Products team

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