JetBrains Academy
The place for learning and teaching computer science your way
EduTools Plugin 2022.8 Is Available
EduTools 2022.8 is here with the ability for course creators to specify the input for output tasks. With a predefined set of inputs and outputs, no extra tests are required to check a learner’s solution. We also improved plugin quality by fixing bugs.
You can install the EduTools plugin or update it to the latest version right from Settings (Preferences for macOS) | Plugins in your JetBrains IDE.

🆕 Input for output tasks
Course creators can now specify the input for output tasks – coding exercises validated by output. Let’s take a simple “Hello, World!” task as an example. It requires a learner to print $text, World! where $text should be read from the terminal. You can now put the “Hello” string into input.txt and the “Hello, World!” string into output.txt.
The IDE will check a predefined set of inputs and outputs, so no additional tests are required.

Check out our Educator Start Guide to see how you can create output tasks.
Notable improvements and bug fixes
- EDU-5226: We fixed a bug that was preventing local tests from running on Codeforces problems.
- EDU-5225: Fixed the issue causing the Create course preview action to show the outdated course preview.
- EDU-4722: Fixed the issue preventing users from being redirected to the browser when all tasks in a JetBrains Academy topic are resolved.
- EDU-5193: Fixed the issue preventing the Cargo configuration file from being added to the course archive and course preview.
For the full list of issues addressed in EduTools 2022.8, see our issue tracker.
IntelliJ IDEA Edu and PyCharm Edu 2022.2
We’ve released the 2022.2 versions of PyCharm Edu and IntelliJ IDEA Edu, which include the latest updates for PyСharm Community Edition, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, and EduTools 2022.8. You can download the new builds from our website, via the Toolbox App, or by using a snap package for Ubuntu.
Please share your feedback here in the comments, on Twitter, or through our issue tracker. We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas!
Your Educational Products team