JetBrains Academy Plugin Learning Courses Marketplace News

Updates About Educational Courses on Marketplace

We are happy to share some news about the educational courses on JetBrains Marketplace! In our previous blog post, we discussed the most significant content updates from March to May 2022. Today we’re going to take a look at the improvements from the past couple of months! 

JetBrains Marketplace hosts programming courses, created by both JetBrains and the wider community, that you can take right inside an IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, Android Studio, CLion, or GoLand, if you install the EduTools plugin. To start learning, navigate to File | Learn and Teach | Browse Courses | Marketplace, select the language in the top right corner, and pick the course you want! At the moment, all JetBrains Marketplace courses are free. If you are an educator, you are welcome to create your own courses with the EduTools plugin and share them on JetBrains Marketplace as well!

Now, let’s dive right in.

Introduction to Python

Our most popular Python course, and the best way to get started with Python, has become even better. We outlined all of the basic concepts introduced in the course and thoroughly checked that all of them are well explained (or have a link to reference material) and are used in hands-on examples in one way or another.

We also did our best to fill any conceptual gaps in the course narrative. As a result, multiple definitions were added or clarified, missing links to documentation were provided, and tests in many tasks were improved to cover more possible error scenarios and give clearer error messages.

For better concept coverage, we’ve added 11 new tasks, such as “Argument order”, “Docstrings”, and “Fix infinite execution”, which provide programming theory along with a coding exercise so you can start practicing right away.



Rustlings, the JetBrains adaptation of the legendary community-created Rust course, saw some major updates this summer. The course structure was revised; now topics are sorted logically for easier navigation. Many large theoretical tasks were split into smaller chunks and are now far less daunting. Runnable code examples were added to many tasks to improve their illustrative quality. IDE inspections were disabled in this course to remove distractions and provide a more focused experience. The course was updated to version 5.0 of the original course, and many new tasks were added.

These updates and the course in general will be discussed in more detail in a future post – stay tuned! For now, here’s an overview of the new tasks: 

  • Another exercise on hashmaps.
  • Another string-processing exercise in the Strings lesson.
  • A new task on vectors – “Count Typed Cells”.
  • Several additional tasks to improve your understanding of lifetimes and traits.
  • Two additional exercises in “Repetitions” and “Numeric operations”.
  • Exercises with Cell and RefCell in the Smart Pointers lesson.
  • An exercise with a mutable argument to help you better understand ownership.
  • A couple of new exercises on slices.
  • Several tasks to extend the “References and Borrowing” lesson.
  • A new exercise in “Modules”.
  • An additional look at the use of JoinHandle in multithreading.
  • Another task on using message passing to transfer data between threads.
  • A new exercise on closures


Those are the most notable changes we’ve been working on over the past few months. Thanks for taking some time to read this post, and we hope you also check out the updated courses!

Your Educational Products team

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