JetBrains Academy
The place for learning and teaching computer science your way
Hour of Code: Top 5 Go Projects
We’re almost at the finish line of this unforgettable week of the Hour of Code celebration! We have only two more posts to go, and today, we’d like to talk about Go. And, in case you missed our previous articles, see Join Us for Hour of Code at JetBrains Academy for the full lineup of posts.

Go was created at Google in 2007 as a way of addressing all the cons of the more popular languages while keeping all of their useful features. Its simple syntax and ease of use quickly made Go one of the most loved and wanted programming languages today. It has quite a variety of applications: Go can be used in web and software apps, cloud development, distributed network services, infrastructure, and so much more.
Besides, Go is a great first programming language to learn. It was specifically designed to be simple and familiar, so if you’re only starting your learning journey, take a closer look at Go. And, thanks to the hands-on approach we take at JetBrains Academy, these projects will help you see the results of your efforts in no time!
Simple Chatty Bot and Coffee Machine (Easy)
First of all, the honorable mention goes to the Simple Chatty Bot and Coffee Machine projects. As beginner projects, they get selected and completed a lot, so if you’re looking for a suitable first project to kick-start your Go learning journey, these projects are the proven best choice. With them, you will learn basic Go syntax and practice working with variables, conditions, loops, and functions.
In-Memory Notepad (Easy)
In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with new information. It’s no wonder that we usually find it difficult to remember even the simplest things. Let’s create a notepad to always keep everything you need within arm’s reach. With this project, you will build a simple database that supports CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). You will work with slices, loops, string formatting, standard IO, and the bufio scanner.
Obscene Vocabulary Checker (Hard)
We all know that sometimes the internet resembles a Wild Wild West without any law or order. That’s why message filtering systems are usually outsourced to AI. Obscene Vocabulary Checker is a simple console program that will help you find and censor certain words with asterisks. This project will test your knowledge of Go syntax and your understanding of strings, slices, conditional statements, and loops.
Flashcards (Challenging)
Another great way to remember things you learn is to repeat them. Flashcards are a popular and convenient way to do that wherever you go. With this project, you will create a simple app that will store pairs of questions and answers for easily accessible practice. As a result, you will gain a good understanding of arrays, loops, and conditional statements, learn to work with files and call them from the command line.
University Admission Procedure (Challenging)
With this project, you will find out what it means to be the head of the admission committee at the university. To go through all the applications and determine which students deserve admission, you will need to implement a sorting algorithm that takes into consideration different parameters. With each stage of the project, your algorithm will become more and more complex, allowing you to make the best decisions possible. You will practice loops and various mathematical operations, learn to handle files and different types of collections, and discover how useful sorting functions can be.
We are always excited when you share your learning progress with us! To join the celebration, tell us about your favorite projects on JetBrains Academy. And to help us see your post, mention our Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit accounts or use the hashtags #JetBrainsAcademy and #HourOfCode.
Happy Hour of Code!
Your JetBrains Academy team