JetBrains Academy
The place for learning and teaching computer science your way
JetBrains Academy: New Learning Content in January
It’s a new year, and new learning adventures await you! There’s no better moment to start something new than the beginning of a fresh year. Why not kickstart your learning journey with JetBrains Academy?
This month we’ve prepared a new Go project – perfect for those craving a fresh language experience. Additionally, four projects have been released from Beta, and we’ve added a diverse selection of 40 new topics to explore.
Check them all out and choose which project or topic to add to your study plan this year.
🆕 Project: My First Project with Go (Beta). Easy.
Imagine that you’re the owner of a new small corner shop. You are doing well and want to determine how much you earned in the first month. Create a simple tool that will calculate your net income. Upon completing this project, you can use this tool for your own accounting needs.
🆕 Topic: REST methods (POST, PUT, DELETE)
🆕 Topics:
- Kotlin: Koin advanced, Koin basics, Ktor Client basics, Debugger under the hood, Exposed DAO, Introduction to Exposed.
- Mobile: Introduction to Testing in Android Studio, Internal, external, scoped storage, ItemDecoration.
🆕 Topics:
- React: Event listeners in React, JSX rules, Class components, Nested components.
- TypeScript: Generic interfaces.
Additionally, the Site for Marathon project was released from Beta.
🆕 Topics:
- Machine learning: Operators, hooks, and sensors in Airflow, Inception, MobileNet, ResNet, Recurrent neural networks.
- Django: Class based views for API, API tests.
- SQL and Databases: IN, LIKE, and BETWEEN operators, DB Replication, DB sharding, Replication in MongoDB, pgAdmin.
We also released the My First Project with Python project from Beta.
🆕 Topics:
- SpringBoot: Advanced Configuration with HttpSecurity, AuthenticationManager, Configuring Web Application Security with HttpSecurity.
Additionally, the Battleship with Java project was released from Beta.
Algorithms and structures
🆕 Topics: Load factor in hash table, Simplistic hash functions, Graphs: basic terminology, Best, average, and worst cases, Data structures.
System administration and DevOps
🆕 Topics: Running a docker-compose with several services, Running several connected containers, Ingress and Egress Network Policies.
🆕 Topics: Http requests, SQL Injection.
We’ve also released the HyperNetwork project from Beta.
That’s it for this month!
We hope that you find these updates valuable and that they enhance your learning experience. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at, or share your thoughts on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook.
Happy learning!
Your JetBrains Academy team