JetBrains Academy PyCharm Python

Online Coding Workshop on Python

Struggling to get started with Python? Join us on our Discord server for a free beginner-friendly online workshop, tailored to those with no or basic programming experience.

In this live interactive session, you’ll see Python in action. We’ll cover essential concepts from our most popular course, Introduction to Python, and provide hands-on experience using integrated development environments (IDEs). Get a real feel for coding in Python through practical, real-world scenarios.

In particular, you’ll learn and practice:

  1. Arithmetic operators
  2. String length
  3. List items
  4. Else with loops (2)
  5. Executing modules and scripts

When: Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 2:00 PM UTC (check other timezones).

No registration is needed. Just join our Discord server and be ready to learn.

How to get started

Before you begin, make sure you have PyCharm installed. Download either PyСharm Community Edition (completely free) or PyСharm Professional (available with a 30-day free trial).

To participate in the workshop, please install the JetBrains Academy plugin in your PyCharm IDE and start the Introduction to Python course. Here are video instructions to help you:

If you prefer text instructions, check out our learner start guide.

The course is free for everyone, and, as an academic student, you can get a free license for any JetBrains IDE.

Q&A session

At the end, we’ll hold a Q&A session where you can ask any questions you might have about Python, learning computer science, or JetBrains Academy in general. 

Join us

Don’t miss this opportunity to kickstart your Python journey or sharpen your existing skills in a supportive community environment. Mark your calendars and join us on Discord.

Please note, there will be no recording of this workshop, but don’t worry – we have more workshops planned for the future.

Meet the host of the workshop

Igor Gerasimov, Project Lead of the Educational Content team at JetBrains Academy

Igor has over nine years of experience developing digital interactive learning materials for natural sciences, math, and computer science. Ever since obtaining his bachelor’s degree in physics and bioengineering from SPbSPU (2015), Igor has been studying the modern approach to Learning Science and Instructional Design in search of a solution to distributed, automated, and community-driven education.

Happy learning!

Your JetBrains Academy team

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