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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


MCE2015: Kotlin Session and JetBrains Booth

February 5th and 6th, MCE2015 takes control of the iconic Kinoteka cinema at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland. Initially a conference for developers by developers, this year’s event expands to embrace all mobile creators – developers, designers and tech leaders.

At MCE2015 and JetBrains booth will be Anastasia Kazakova, Maxim Medvedev and Svetlana Isakova, who has a talk at the conference. Come by and learn about the latest advancements in our tools for mobile development including: Kotlin for Android and AppCode with Swift support. You may also be interested in having a look at our recent interview with Maxim discussing Swift support in AppCode.

Be sure to catch our Kotlin session on the second day of the conference.

Svetlana IsakovaKotlin, the Swift of Android

Presented by Svetlana Isakova
February 6th, 15:00, Auditorium 3

Apple has introduced “a better language” for iOS developers. But what options do we have for Android? Surely, Kotlin should be under consideration! Android Studio is now based on IntelliJ IDEA, the “native” environment for Kotlin.

Kotlin can help you reduce the amount of code you write for Android applications and at the same time make it readable and more maintainable. In this session we’re going to see how certain constructs and DSL’s can be used to make Android more enjoyable.

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