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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


Kotlin wins Breakout Project of the Year award at OSCON ’19

Today at the O’Reilly Open Source Awards 2019, we were honored to hear that Kotlin has won the prestigious Breakout Project of the Year award, this award recognizes a project that has started “breaking out in a big way” over the past year, which we are really happy about. We want to say a massive thank you to O’Reilly OSCON for this recognition, but more importantly, we want to take a minute to thank the incredible Kotlin community who have brought the project to where it is today.

Since our first commit to the GitHub repository on the 7th of November, 2010, we have watched in awe as the open-source community has embraced the language and driven it forward with their contribution, support, and ideas which have gone into the language we are all very proud of.

There is still work to do, but as long as we have such an incredible community behind us we know we can make this language what it needs to be for developers. If you haven’t used Kotlin yet, we would love to have you try. Your contributions and feedback are what help us improve. Get involved in the evolution of the language and let’s see how far we can go together.

Again, to everyone who has helped make Kotlin the success it is today, thank you and have a nice Kotlin! :)

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