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Dokka Is In Beta – Try It Now and Share Your Feedback!

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We are happy to announce that Dokka has reached Beta. This means we are getting close to making it Stable, but before we do, we need your feedback about the major new feature delivered in Beta – the new HTML output format.

Example of a package

The goal of this Beta release is to polish the UI and UX of the HTML output format so they fulfill the community’s requirements, and implement them in time for the next release, version 1.7. Please give version 1.6 a try and share your feedback along with your use cases. You can submit your feedback in the Dokka channel on Slack or by creating a ticket in our bug tracker. If you’re not yet a member of the Kotlin Slack, please request an invite.

What is Dokka?

Dokka is a Gradle/Maven plugin that collects your code documentation written in the KDoc or JavaDoc format and generates HTML, GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM), and Jekyll output to share with your product’s users and your collaborators. Such output may be used in-house as well as publicly, delivered to a version control system for offline access, and configured according to your needs.

How to apply the plugin

Read this for more details about configuring Dokka.

Plans for the Stable release

In the upcoming Stable release, we plan to:

  • Stabilize HTML output based on user feedback.
  • Include Dokka in the Kotlin Gradle plugin so that it will be available by default.
  • Fix the out-of-memory issue for large projects.

The scope of the current stable release does not include additional output formats (different from HTML), an API for plugin developers, and full support for Java. To move these features forward and prioritize our work on them, we will run a series of interviews with users. If you are interested in joining an interview and helping shape the future of Dokka, please get in touch with us via the Dokka channel on Slack.

More Dokka powered documentation samples

Example of an interface

Example of a function

Additional resources 

  1. General overview of Dokka on the official Kotlin website. 
  2. The Dokka GitHub homepage and detailed documentation on GitHub.
  3. Blog posts about the Dokka Alpha release and the Dokka Preview.
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