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Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin: Announcing the Winners

About Advent of Code

Advent of Code is an annual event that publishes fun, holiday-themed puzzles every day from December 1 to December 25. Thousands of people each year take part in Advent of Code. 

We at JetBrains and on the Kotlin team have been taking part in Advent of Code for several years now. As a proud sponsor of Advent of Code 2021, we encouraged our community to join us in solving the puzzles in Kotlin. To boost morale, we announced a prize giveaway for the participants. It was lots of fun!

Sebastian Aigner shows how we extracted all the participants from GitHub in order to find our lucky 5 (out of more than 1600) submissions!

Giveaway: kudos to participants and winners!

At first, we wanted to award just 5 randomly selected participants from the community who followed the announced rules.

But the level of community spirit we witnessed was awesome and we simply couldn’t let it go unacknowledged! So, kudos go first and foremost to our awesome community – there were so many posts, articles, discussions, and even a meetup for a Kotlin User Group dedicated to Advent of Code.

That’s why we decided to extend the giveaway to 10 additional people – 3 of the winners from the Advent of Code in Kotlin leaderboard and 7 people who actively shared their solutions and helped others.

OK, drumroll!

Congratulations to the 15 Advent of Code in Kotlin winners!

5 randomly selected winners

These are the 5 randomly selected the winners from over 1600 GitHub repository submissions:

3 winners from the Kotlin community leaderboard

We didn’t have an official leaderboard, but the community still competed. So, excluding the champion Roman Elizarov, the 3 winners from the leaderboard are: 

7 winners from the community

The 7 Advent of Code in Kotlin community contributors are:

Congratulations and bravo to all the participants, everyone who has been solving Advent of Code in Kotlin for several years, and those who ventured to do so for the first time this year! And a huge thank you to Eric Wastl and all the organizers of Advent of Code! 

We hope to see you again at Advent of Code 2022 – but until then, keep coding in Kotlin year round!

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