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Kotlin News: Kotlin 2.0, Interview With John O’Reilly and Nicola Corti, and More

The K2 Compiler is going stable in Kotlin 2.0

The main highlights of Kotlin 2.0 include: 

  • Faster K2 Compiler, which is more extensible by design.
  • A new data flow analysis algorithm, which leads to better smart casts.
  • The new version of the Kotlin IDE plugin built on top of the K2 compiler frontend.
  • Fixes for long-standing bugs.

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Reproducible Kotlin Compiler Artifacts

For the Kotlin team, security is always a priority. One of the measures we are taking to protect Kotlin builds from an attack is to make them reproducible. With reproducible builds, you can easily check that any artifacts or dependencies that you want to use haven’t been tampered with.

Artifacts that are officially published on GitHub and Maven Central can now be verified against ones obtained on other machines. This greatly reduces the possibility of attacks targeting build agents. 

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Interview With Top Kotlin Contributors – Highlighting Their Contributions to the Google Dev Library

In this article, Kotlin Google Developer Experts (GDEs) Nicola Corti and John O’Reilly talk about their contribution to the Google Dev Library. 

Nicola contributed Detekt to the Google Dev Library, which is a static code analysis tool for Kotlin projects that helps developers detect and report issues related to security, style, and best practices. 

John created the PeopleInSpace project. It utilizes the Open Notify API to display information about people currently in space, such as their names, nationalities, and spacecraft. The focus of the project is more about demonstrating the use of Kotlin Multiplatform.

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Update Regarding Kotlin/Native Targets

As of Kotlin 1.8.0, Kotlin/Native supports 27 targets. However, we can’t support all of them equally well. To prioritize quality over quantity, we’ve decided to split the targets into tiers and deprecate some of them.

We’ve created a dedicated document to be a single source of information for all Kotlin/Native targets which we’ve split into 3 tiers, depending on how well each is supported and has been tested.

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Apply to Google Summer of Code – Kotlin Projects Available

Kotlin is taking part in Google Summer of Code, a global online program focused on bringing new contributors into open-source software development. GSoC Contributors will work with the Kotlin Foundation on a 12-week programming project under the guidance of mentors. 

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Watch the KotlinConf 2023 Livestream

If you’re not able to attend KotlinConf 2023, don’t worry. We’ll be streaming the event live on April 13 and 14. The conference will feature many exciting talks and sessions. Check out the schedule and see which ones you’d like to watch. Don’t miss the Opening Keynote on April 13, 9:00–10:00 am (CET).

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