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Join Us for a Live Introduction to Algorithmic Challenges in Kotlin!

Are you preparing for technical interviews, or do you simply want to master algorithms? Join us for a practical livestream where we’ll introduce the Algorithmic Challenges in Kotlin course!

In this session, we’ll cover the main topics from the Algorithmic Challenges in Kotlin course, which prepares participants for coding interviews and provides a solid understanding of algorithmic techniques.

Watch this livestream to:

  • Elevate your understanding of algorithms and hone your skills to excel in technical interviews.
  • See solutions to the ‘Opposite Values’ and ‘Collecting Signatures’ coding challenges, which are popular coding interview problems.
  • Learn how to implement these solutions in Kotlin, a modern multiplatform programming language.

Join us to prepare for success in your next technical interview!

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Happy learning!

Alexander S. Kulikov serves as the Head of Laboratory of Algorithms and Complexity Theory at JetBrains Research. Alexander co-authored the Data Structures and Algorithms and Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science online courses that are available at Coursera and edX, and he is a co-author of the book “Ace Your Next Coding Interview by Learning Algorithms.

Watch Alexander’s The Satisfiability Problem lecture.

Pavel Mavrin is a Tutor and Researcher at JetBrains, expert in algorithms and data structures. Pavel has participated in many programming competitions. His most prestigious title is ICPC World Champion 2004.

Watch Pavel’s Parallel algorithms lecture.

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