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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains


All KotlinConf Recordings Are Now Available. Enjoy!

You can now find all of the session recordings from KotlinConf’24 on the conference website!

Sessions are also being added to the Kotlin YouTube channel:

Photos and slides from some of the sessions are also available – click on a talk and select “Download slides” for the latter.

Don’t miss these additional materials from the conference:

  • A roundup of the highlights from the keynote in this blog post.
  • KotlinConfersations, interviews with speakers and attendees hosted by Huyen Tue Dao.

KotlinConf 2024 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from May 22–24, drawing over 2,000 attendees, speakers, and partners. The event began with a workshop day and continued with two days of sessions. The powerful keynote featured Jeffrey van Gogh (Google), Michail Zarečenskij, Julie Gunderson (both Amazon Web Services), Eve Matthaey (Meta), and Egor Tolstoy, Ekaterina Petrova, Vsevolod Tolstopyatov, Sebastian Aigner, Svetlana Isakova (all JetBrains) as speakers. The event concluded with a closing panel hosted by Hadi Hariri, featuring different folks from the Kotlin community answering questions.

Catch all of the action from KotlinConf’24 and keep up with the latest conference updates by following KotlinConf on X.

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