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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


MPS Beta 2

It’s been almost 3 months since the first Beta of Meta Programming System. Since then we have received a good amount of feedback and a lot has been done to improve MPS.

MPS Beta 2 is now available introducing the following major changes:

  • Automatic generator generation. MPS tracks whether the required generator is up to date and generates it automatically, if not, before the model that uses this language is generated.
  • Easier language generation. When a model that uses a language is being edited, an note will appear in the editor reminding to generate the language and providing one-click option to start generation.
    Generation required note
  • Smart complete. The code completion (available with Ctrl+Shift+Space) became even smarter: it filters out actions according to the type of the result.
  • Faster “find usages”. The usages search speed improved by using the persistent caches.
  • Faster “go to root node” action. We use persistent caches in order to make the “go to root node” action work faster.
  • Better search in editor. We have FireFox-like search in the editor.
    Search in MPS Editor
  • Other usability, performance improvements and bugfixes.

You are welcome to download MPS Beta 2, try it and let us know your feedback.

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