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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


Here comes JetBrains MPS 2.5

The great moment is here – MPS has reached 2.5 and is now available for you to download and use.

Starting with this release DSLs can be used inside IntelliJ IDEA side-by-side with your standard Java code and interoperate with it. You can design your DSLs in MPS and then distribute them to your customers as IntelliJ IDEA plugins, so your languages can take part in the development workflow inside a Java IDE. Check out a short screen-cast to see this in action.

Another major and closely related addition is the new build language. It allows you to create declarative build scripts for your Java or MPS applications and plugins.

There are numerous other improvements and corrections in this release. For a full list of new features, visit the What’s new in 2.5 page.

If you want to get a taste of the new functionality, please check out our recent screen-casts. You may also learn all the necessary details from the updated User Guide, which now contains sections dedicated to creating language plugins, using MPS inside IntelliJ IDEA and more.

Have a lot of success and fun with the new version.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains MPS Team

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