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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


MPS 3.2 on a final approach – the release candidate 1 is out

After almost two months of collecting your feedback on the EAP3 release, fixing bugs, polishing new features and implementing the migration capabilities we’re now ready to offer you the first release candidate of MPS 3.2.

Please get it from the download site and give it a good test. Especially, we encourage you to test migrating your MPS 3.1 projects to MPS 3.2. There might still be some hidden problems in there and we need to know about them. Please tell us, if your project fails to be migrated smoothly to the new version. Also, please stay on the safe side and backup your project before migrating it to 3.2.

The What’s new document summaries the advantages of 3.2 over 3.1. Full release notes list all the issues we have addressed since EAP3.

Develop with pleasure!
-JetBrains MPS Team

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