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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


MPS 2021.3.4 Released

MPS 2021.3.4 has just arrived with a batch of useful backported improvements.

Parallel model checker

The model checker can now effectively utilize parallel hardware, thereby speeding up the process of model checking. Depending on the settings in Settings | Tools | Model Checker, it can spawn multiple threads when starting this process. This option is on, by default.

Improved File-per-root persistence performance

The `FilePerRootDataSource.getStreamByName()` method has been optimized to improve the performance of model data loading. If you use File-per-root persistence to store rather large models, this change will be noticeable.

Improved support for Find text in project

The existing Find text in project action has been improved, and it now also searches for references of named nodes, bringing up additional relevant results.
A preview panel has been added that allows you to see the results directly in the search dialog. Text containing HTML content is now rendered as plain text in the results and not as HTML as in previous versions.

Skip dependency migration in Ant tasks

While migrating a project using Ant tasks provided by MPS, dependencies may not get properly migrated. We added a flag to continue the migration of a project even in such cases. Stopping the migration process as soon as a non-migrated dependency is discovered remains the default behavior.
To use this flag, add `haltOnDependencyError=”false”` to your `<migrate>` Ant task.

You can look forward to these new features also in the upcoming 2023.2 release!

See a full list of fixed issues here.


Your JetBrains MPS team

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