Early Access Program WebStorm

Web IDE EAP (build 500)

In this build we bring you two long promised features – FTP & PHPUnit support (Expect separate posts with more details) And of course there’s lot of bugfixes and improvements in editor, see details below.

IDE general
– Initial remote development support – currently FTP upload only. (Planned: open remote project, auto sync and SFTP/SSL/Cloud storage)  You can find it under Settings – Deploy&Run.

– Completely new bookmarks (F11)

-Initial PHPUnit support (local only yet) Note: PHP paths/library settings are under development, thus to get completion and other stuff please add your PEAR folder as source root (at Settings/Directories)
– implemented type inference for foreach() statement, array[..] and ternary ?: expressions.
– fixed find usages & rename for global variables
– fixed completion & rename & find usages for static members
– fixed different bugs in code and phpdoc formatters
+ more, see complete change-list in issue tracker.
Download Web IDE EAP build 500 for your platform from project EAP page.

-JetBrains Web IDE Team

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