Features Releases

New debug features in PhpStorm 2.1

Hello guys,

Let’s talk about some new debug features available in PhpStorm 2.1.

‘Copy name’ action
The ‘Copy name’ action simply copies the name of a variablepropertyarray key to the clipboard.

Figure 1. ‘Copy Name’ action available everywhere the value is displayed

‘Mark object’ action (Xdebug only)
The feature allows for tagging an arbitrary object with a colored text label. After an object is assigned a label, this label becomes visible anywhere the object is displayed (Watches, Variables View, Evaluation Window etc.).

Figure 2. Invoke the ‘Mark Object’ action from the context menu or using a hotkey

Figure 3. Assign a label to the value.

Figure 4. Label become visible everywhere!

‘Xdebug proxy’ support (Xdebug only)
One of the highly voted debug features is Xdebug proxy support. The Xdebug Proxy actions group is available in the Tools menu and configuration is available in Project Settings | PHP | Debug | Xdebug Proxy.

Find more details about Xdebug proxy here – http://derickrethans.nl/debugging-with-multiple-users.html

‘Safe evaluation’ mode
The ‘Safe evaluation’ mode prevents evaluation of undefined variables in watches and value tooltips.

Develop with pleasure!

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