Free Webinar May 29th: PhpStorm Best Practices – The Perfect Workflow for PHP Developers
Join us Wednesday, May 29th at 17:00 GMT for a free webinar, PhpStorm Best Practices – The Perfect Workflow for PHP Developers with Maarten Balliauw.
In this webinar, we’ll look at the most important everyday actions in PhpStorm IDE. We’ll learn how to navigate between files, classes or other elements in our project, and see how we can use code autocompletion, PHPDoc, intentions and live templates to make our life as developers easier.
Using automatic inspections and quick fixes, PhpStorm can greatly improve code quality. We’ll get an insight on how to efficiently use version control systems and how we can deploy our projects to remote servers. Join us and learn how to use PhpStorm in the real world!
This webinar is geared towards beginner developers; however, it will be useful for everyone as there will be plenty of tips & tricks to enhance your productivity. Space is limited; please register now. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar.