Early Access Program

PhpStorm 2016.2 EAP 162.646

The new PhpStorm 2016.2 EAP build (162.646) is now available for download! You can download it here or, if you have installed the previous PhpStorm 2016.2 EAP build (162.426), you should soon get a notification in the IDE about a patch update.

This build includes new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform.

Initial support of PHP 7 Uniform Syntax

We’ve added initial support for PHP 7 Uniform Syntax in PhpStorm. Syntax, such as “support operations on arbitrary (…) expressions”, e.g. (“a”)->foo()  and (“a”)() is now recognized by PhpStorm. “Support of nested ::” is currently in progress.


New Live Template “params” for function arguments completion

In PhpStorm 2016.1.1 we introduced smart completion functionality for function arguments. As most of you found it inconvenient, we continued experimenting and found another way to make it more user-friendly. This time it’s implemented through the Live Template “params”.  Please try and let us know what you think.


Support URL rewriting defined in .htaccess file

Rewrite rules defined in .htaccess files are now used in path references resolve. Now we are using .htaccess RewriteBase and RewriteRule directives to automatically find needed resource location specified in HTML in the same way as Apache mod_rewrite.


Support for ligatures in editor

PhpStorm now supports fonts with programming ligatures, like Fira CodeMonoid or Hasklig.


Install the font in your OS, select it in Preferences | Editor | Colors and Fonts | Font , make sure Enable font ligatures is checked, and enjoy beautiful fonts.

Action to set background image

A new action called Set Background Image was added. It gives your IDE a custom look by choosing a background image for the editor and the IDE frame. The action is available via Find Action and, for a selected image file, via the context menu for the Project tool window and Image Editor. In the dialog that pops up, for the editor and the IDE frame, choose a background image, its opacity and position.


Debugging in Firefox 36+

In PhpStorm you can now debug JavaScript apps in Firefox 36+, using Firefox Remote debug configuration.

You should first enable Remote debugging in Firefox settings (Tools | Web developer | Toggle tools, click the Gear icon and check Enable remote debugging). Then again go to Tools | Web developer and select Developer toolbar to open the Firefox command line. Run the following command: listen 6000, where 6000 is the port number you’d like to use.

In PhpStorm, create a new Run/debug configuration of Firefox Remote type. Enter the port name that Firefox is listening on. Open your app in the browser, put breakpoints in the code and start a debug session in PhpStorm.

Other changes

Other changes worth mentioning:

  • Fixed the issue with case-only rename in Git
  • Windows key may be used as a modifier key

See the full list of bug-fixes and improvements in our issue tracker and in the complete release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2016.2 EAP build 162.646 for your platform from project EAP page and please report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker. A patch update from the previous version (PhpStorm 2016.2 EAP build 162.426) is already available.

JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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