Features News Releases

PhpStorm 2016.2.1 is out

PhpStorm 2016.2.1 build 162.1889 is available for download! If you missed the PhpStorm 2016.2 release, find out more about it on the What’s new page. If you are already using it, you’ll soon get a notification about available patch-update.

Note: Please note that you will be asked for your license credentials after you install this update!

This build  delivers many bug-fixes, including fixes for the project names at welcome screen, creation of a new project from existing files, type detection after evaluation and many others. Also new features and usability improvements are included into this minor update.

Autocomplete on previously declared properties for stdClass objects

More completion improvements were implemented for this update, now if you work with stdClass the completion list will be shown on previously declared properties.completion1

Predefined function highlighting

Enjoy the highlighting of built-in PHP functions as this functionality is back to PhpStorm.color

Completion for php settings in ini_set function

When you use ini_set() function, PhpStorm will help you by suggesting the list of php.ini directives. It works also for ini_get(), get_cfg_var(), ini_restore().ini

Improved completion after @see tag

After the @see tag you will get the completion list of all available methods.completion

Support of custom filename.xml for PHPCS config

In PhpStorm 2016.2.1 the custom filename.xml is supported for PHPCS. Before you can only select a folder that contains a ruleset.xml file, now you can select any XML file.

Many other changes from IntelliJ platform and web are also included.

See the full list of bug-fixes and improvements list in our issue tracker and in the complete release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2016.2.1 build 162.1889 for your platform and please report any bugs or feature request to our Issue Tracker.

-JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop


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