Early Access Program

PhpStorm 2017.2 Early Access Program is Open

Today we start the Early Access Program for PhpStorm 2017.2 (EAP). A fresh build 172.2103 is available for download here and within the JetBrains Toolbox App.

What is Early Access Program?

Early Access Program (EAP) allows you to try pre-release versions of our software to evaluate features that will be added in the next release. It is important to distinguish EAP from traditional pre-release software. Please note that the quality of EAP versions may at times be far below even usual beta standards. If you are looking for a stable version of PhpStorm, please visit our site.


This build delivers new features, bug fixes and improvements for PHP and the Web, and takes on the latest improvements in IntelliJ Platform.


If you use Docker Compose, we have good news for you, as PHP interpreter based on Docker Compose is now supported in PhpStorm. Now you don’t have to duplicate all settings, such as volumes, networks, environment variables, etc. from docker-compose.yml inside PhpStorm. Docker Compose based interpreter has all familiar features of remote interpreters. You can run and debug PHP code and execute and debug PHPUnit, Codeception, Behat and PHPSpec tests.

Please note that the feature is not available on Windows yetPY-19251. We are also still working on the support of PHPCS and PHPMD using Docker Compose.

PSR-0/4 root detection from composer.json

PhpStorm is now aware of PSR-0/PSR-4 source roots, and their namespace prefixes declared in autoload section in composer.json. Since composer.json contains the most up-to-date information about project structure, new integration ensures that PhpStorm Source and Test folder exactly match the project structure.


Automatic run of PHPUnit tests

In this build, we’ve added a possibility to re-run PHPUnit test automatically with a specified delay. You can enable auto-run for a particular configuration, set delay and tests will be re-run automatically with specified delay after you stop editing a file.


Unified settings for frameworks

In this release, we’re going to simplify PHP settings. As a first step, we’ve moved all settings for frameworks (Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress) to one settings page which can be found in Settings|PHP|Frameworks. The page now contains combined settings with a unified UI. When the framework is disabled, the corresponding section is hidden to see only relevant settings.


Field declared dynamically warning for fields assigned in constructor but not declared

PhpStorm now will warn you about fields that have been assigned in __construct but not declared inside a class. That will help you to catch typing errors earlier. The behavior of this inspection is controlled by Notify about dynamic field declaration option in Settings|Editor|Inspections|PHP|Undefined Field.


Other features worth noting:

  • Find in Path: gutter icons, local change markers, focus
  • Better HiDPI support: per-monitor, auto-adjusted font-sizes
  • Recursive calls detection in Javascript
  • Parameter hints for TypeScript
  • Code rearranging for Javascript

Apart from new features, this build brings many important bug fixes and usability improvements, including these:

  • Default path for New Project from Existing Files is always “/”: WI-8839
  • Array should be acceptable default type for iterable: WI-33726
  • Many fixes for Return type doesn’t match… inspection: WI-32052WI-31609WI-35094WI-33991
  • @method annotation doesn’t support keywords callable, $this, self and static WI-21935

See the full list of bug-fixes and improvements in our issue tracker and the complete release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2017.2 EAP build 172.2103 for your platform from the project EAP page or click “Update” in your JetBrains Toolbox App and please do report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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