PHP Annotated Monthly – October 2017

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PHP Annotated Monthly collects all the interesting articles from the month in one convenient place. Collected and curated by Gary Hockin, Developer Advocate for PhpStorm.

PHP, Testing & Development

With PHP 7.2 right around the corner, it’s worth catching up with what’s coming by reading PHP 7.2 is Due in November. What’s New? and What’s New in PHP 7.2. I know, I moan about this nearly every month, but with more and more libraries and frameworks moving to PHP 7.x only releases, now is the time to upgrade from PHP 5 if you haven’t already done so.

Another post to mention is A Comparison Guide to Local Dev Environments which compares out-of-the-box development environment tools like XAMPP and MAMP. These apps quickly install PHP with a webserver and database and allow you to configure them easily. It’s easy to be precious about this subject and expect everyone to be using Vagrant and/or Docker for development but it’s worth remembering that there are still many people working this way. If you’re using a development tool like MAMP, would you be interested in learning the benefits of a virtual or containerised development environment? Let me know.

Frameworks and Libraries

We’ve got the usual raft of articles around frameworks and libraries this month. One of my favourites is Measure Anything in Laravel with StatsD. I’ve been logging metrics to StatsD for a long time, and it’s interesting to see that StatsD and Graphite are still the defacto tools for this kind of abundant metric logging. Don’t let the title fool you, this article is relevant for non-Laravel users as well as those of an artisanal persuasion.

We’ve also seen a couple of posts around security in WordPress which can only be a good thing. Switching WordPress to HTTPS is quite specific but explains how to force WordPress to be served over HTTP if it’s running on Apache.


Zend Framework



Community, Career, and Events

It’s great to see that the Laracon EU 2017 Talk Videos Are Now on YouTube. I haven’t watched any yet, but there are some fascinating talks I will be watching very soon.

This month I will be attending Symfony Live in Berlin, and I’m very much looking forward to it. If you’re around come and say “Hi! – I love to chat about PHP and PhpStorm, and I’m always interested to hear what you think about PHP Annotated Monthly.

That’s it for another month, I hope you have a fantastic and productive October. As usual if you have any questions or find any articles you think should be included – let me know.

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