Early Access Program Features Releases

PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP 183.3647.13

The new PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build (183.3647.13) is now available!

This build delivers remote deployment to multiple hosts, a new refactoring for replacing imports with aliases, and numerous bug fixes and improvements for PHP and Web. It also includes the latest enhancements for IntelliJ Platform.

You can download it here or via JetBrains Toolbox App. Or, if you have the previous PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build installed, you should soon get a notification in the IDE about a patch update.

Remote Deployment To Multiple Hosts

PhpStorm lets you copy files and folders to a remote server via Tools | Deployment. You can use FTP/SFTP/FTPS as well as a local or a mounted folder as a destination.

You may often need to deploy to multiple servers at once: For example, if you have several instances of an application or you need to deploy parts of an application to different servers. In PhpStorm 2018.3, we’ve added server groups to address this! Now you are free to add as many groups as you wish with an arbitrary number of destinations in each group. And with one click, you can deploy to all servers in a group simultaneously!

First, add a group:


Configure the servers in it:


Now you are ready to deploy to the whole group at once:


By the way, check out PhpStorm Workshop to learn how to deploy to remote locations and discover more cool features.

Replace with Alias refactoring

Another handy refactoring to the list! You can now replace use Foo\Bar with use Foo\Bar as Baz, which will also replace all Bar occurrences with Baz.


This also works the other way around:


Other platform updates worth noting

  • You can  now commit .idea  to VCS because when creating it we will automatically put inside a .gitignore containing workspace.xml and other files which have to be excluded from the VCS (IDEA-88818 +14)
  • Fixed: UI element with line numbers and debugging graphic not accessible to screen readers (IDEA-195260 +31)
  • File changes external to project tree view cause collapse and reset (IDEA-189991 +8)
  • Support controller variable for Angular 1.5 components (WEB-26886 +36)
  • Fixed: AngularJS ‘controllerAs’ reference is not resolved in templates (WEB-20676 +22)
  • ESLint now use the severity specified in .eslintrc for offline inspections (WEB-22548 +15)
  • ESLint / TSLint now respect Editor Inspection severity level color formatting (WEB-25697 +21)

See the full list of PHP related bug-fixes and improvements in our issue tracker and the complete release notes.

Download PhpStorm 2018.3 EAP build 183.3647.13 for your platform or click Update in your JetBrains Toolbox App and please do report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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