Features Releases

PhpStorm 2019.1.2 Preview 191.7141.5

Every week brings you a fresh update to PhpStorm, and this one is no exception. Meet the preview for PhpStorm 2019.1.2! Try PhpStorm 2019.1.2 Preview build 191.7141.5 and share your feedback with us.

This Preview build brings with it important bug-fixes, performance and usability improvements, and regression fixes.

Notable updates:

  • Blade debug: Support new format of Blade debug info (WI-46191 +1)
    Laravel 5.8.11 has modified the Blade debug info format, so you’ll need to update PhpStorm to the current build to bring debugging Blade templates experience back.
    Thanks a lot to the Laravel community for help with this issue!
  • Fixed: Pieces of code disappear after formatting when using PHP 7.3 HEREDOC (WI-45986 +2)
  • Fixed: Wrong indent heredoc false positive for an empty line (WI-46117)

Check out the list of all PHP-related bug-fixes and improvements and the complete release notes with all changes in this build.

Download PhpStorm 2019.1.2 Preview build 191.7141.5 for your platform here:

Or just click Update in your JetBrains Toolbox App.

We appreciate you reporting any bugs and feature requests to our Issue Tracker.

Your JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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