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JetBrains Platform

Plugin and extension development for JetBrains products.

Marketplace Tips & Tricks

Tips for writing a guest post

As a part of the JetBrains Marketplace co-marketing program for plugin vendors, you can contribute to our blog with a guest post or take part in an interview. Contributing to our blog is a way to reach out to potential users of your plugin, drive awareness, and bolster your reputation. In addition, this is a chance to improve your SEO by getting a high-quality backlink.

If you have your own blog, you are welcome to share articles about your experience of developing plugins and using JetBrains Marketplace. JetBrains may decide to share your blog posts via social media.

What kind of content do we accept?

We encourage expert and inspiring content that will be useful for our readers and the JetBrains audience as a whole. Whether it’s content about your plugin development experience or advice for end-users on your area of expertise, it should include some actionable takeaways, be informative, and be interesting to read. Tell readers what they need to know, not just what you want to say. You can read more details about guest posts topics and requirements in the Marketplace Documentation.

Blog post checklist

While preparing your blog post draft, check that the content adheres to the best practices provided in this checklist:

  • Organize your article around one topic, don’t try to accommodate all possible aspects under one article.
  • Make the title and annotation catchy. In the annotation, state the problem you are solving.
  • Group related ideas together and use descriptive headers and subheaders.
  • Make your stories use case-driven, not feature-driven.
  • Remember that you’re the expert, and readers may not have the same level of experience, so try to cover the questions a reader may have.
  • Write like a human and communicate in a friendly and helpful way. Don’t be overly formal.
  • Keep your ideas short and clear – avoid vague language.
  • Use specific examples to illustrate your ideas.
  • Use plain language, active voice, and positive language – avoid abbreviations.
  • Make inline links descriptive – avoid saying “click here” or “learn more”.

Start contributing to our blog

If you have an idea of a blog post that will be helpful and informative for plugin developers and users, we will be more than happy to work with you to get it published. Learn more about the process of submitting a guest post in the Marketplace documentation. We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Happy blogging!

The JetBrains Marketplace team

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