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The Python IDE for data science and web development

Early Access Program Releases

PyCharm 1.0 Beta 2 is available

Today we’re happy to announce that PyCharm has gotten one step closer to the final version, with the release of the 1.0 Beta 2 version. All in all, it includes more than 100 fixes and improvements in the Python/Django/App Engine part. The most important changes are:

  • Buildout support – probably the most requested feature in PyCharm so far. Buildout is supported for both Django and regular Python projects, and we’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring that Django projects using Buildout are automatically configured and ‘just work’ when opened in PyCharm;
  • Greatly improved import of binary modules, ensuring much better support for wxPython, PyQt4 and PyGTK;
  • Major improvements to code analysis performance;
  • Support for Structure View in Django templates;
  • Several new inspections to validate correctness of tag and filter usage in Django templates;
  • Support for commands defined in libraries (such as South) in ‘Run task’ action.

We’ve also picked up all of the goodies in the latest version of the IntelliJ Platform. The features we’d particularly like to highlight are:

  • Spell checker in the Commit dialog;
  • Option to ensure that edited text always fits in the specified right margin (Code Style | General | Wrap when typing reaches right margin)
  • Improvements for memory usage during indexing, including a fix for a problem that could cause indexing to get stuck indefinitely.

Download PyCharm Beta 2, and don’t forget to get your 50% discount code for the final release of PyCharm!

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